How to Declutter Your Home Quickly
Fastest way to declutter your home! The best tips on how to declutter your home fast. Have you ever wondered how do you get rid of a lot of stuff fast? There are ideas on this page on how to easily declutter your home fast, and great tips when extreme decluttering your home.
Did you know that people in cluttered homes are more anxious and more stressed than those living without clutter ? When you don’t declutter your home and ‘stuff’ is out of control, it not only creates emotional distress, it also costs money and precious time!
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We don’t have to adopt a full-on minimalist mindset to have a clutter free home that we love. Let’s take some small steps to clear the clutter and simplify our homes.
How Can I Reduce Clutter in My Home?
Realistically, some level of clutter is inevitable for most of us–especially if you have kids. But what usually happens is that the small pile of paperwork I need to tend to, suddenly becomes an overwhelming mountain.
And every day that the mountain grows, my stress level rises with it.
The paper task that would have taken 5 minutes to complete is suddenly a full blown panic attack and 5 hours of organizing papers!
How does clutter cause emotional distress?
- Stress when not able to find the thermometer when you have a feverish child.
- Embarrassment and shame when there’s no time to clean when unexpected guests show up (one of my biggest pet peeves–always call or text first!!)
- Constant worry that someone may ring the door bell.
- Frustration that it takes 2 weeks of preparation just to have guests in your home!
- Unhappiness to not be able to relax in your home.
- Distress and tension that you can’t have family activities such as a meal at the table together.
- Constant gnawing uneasiness and dread at the thought of tackling the clutter problem.
How does clutter steal our money?
- When having to buy another thermometer and constantly replacing the things that we can’t find.
- Late fees for bills that are forgotten at the bottom of the pile.
- Missed discounts for not signing up by the deadline.
- Expired coupons we forgot to use.

How does clutter steal our time?
What I would give to have back all of the time I’ve wasted looking for keys, shoes, a matching sock, or necessary paperwork.
Before I had systems in place and learned how to declutter, I could never find anything.
I would spend an hour looking for something, then another hour to go out and get a replacement.
I’ll bet you know what would happen next. Suddenly, that thing that I wasted hours searching for–it appears!

Where to Even Start to Declutter Your Home?
This is my biggest problem:
Just getting started.
There are lots of ‘how to declutter your home’ books that many have found helpful.
One very popular book is The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo.
I’ll just tell ya…I have not read the book.
Because the effort of getting the book and then taking the time to read it was just another way for me to procrastinate what really needed to happen.
I just had to start.
Start anywhere!!
I needed a simplified plan to approach the overwhelming house full of clutter .
So let me share my simple Decluttering Dash that will show you how to quickly declutter your home!
I want you to start with a room you would like to relax in. A place in your home you want to be able to sit back with a good book and a cup of tea or a glass of wine.
Click to Read: How to be happier & more productive at home
I know you want to start in the kitchen, and I promise, it’s next!
But first, I want you to have one place where you can chill after you get your house decluttering on!

Hold up…Let’s be Real for a Second…
If your house is anything like mine, it would take MUCH longer than a few hours to declutter and organize ALL of it.
If you have children, be certain that you keep your expectations realistic. Homes with kids always have more stuff!
Related Reading: 101 Farmhouse Decor Ideas for Every Room
Let’s declutter one room at a time beginning with your relax spot:
Depending on how much time you have, you may want to only declutter one room a day.
Gather trash bags, boxes, laundry baskets….anything that will hold all the clutter stuff.
I use clear trash bags for my donate items and black trash bags for trash.

You will need to have a box/bag for:
- Trash
- Things to recycle
- Things to donate or give away
- Things that need to be returned to their proper home
- Things to sell (this one is tricky and usually causes more clutter so try to donate, recycle, or trash unless you could realistically make enough money for it to be worth your time)

How do I know what to get rid of?
Get rid of things that don’t fit well, are uncomfortable, you haven’t worn it in a year, things that are worn out, stained, or damaged.
Say goodbye to items that are no longer useful or even if they are just ugly and you’re tired of looking at it! If an item needs to go to it’s proper home, take it there.
So let go of anything that:
- doesn’t fit
- isn’t comfortable/easy to use
- haven’t worn it/used it in a year
- is stained, damaged, broken
- is not longer useful
- is ugly and you are tired of looking at it
- duplicates (did I really need 7 soup ladles?!)

Declutter Your Home: Bedroom & Closet
- tops/tshirts/vests
- jeans/shorts/pants
- shoes & boots (if you’re hanging on to a pair of jelly shoes, let em go!)
- socks
- underwear & bras
- swimwear
- scarves & belts
- dresses/skirts
- jewelry
- broken hangers
- purses
- workout clothes
- hats & gloves
- jackets
- pajamas
- sheets & bedding
- home decor items (frames, candles, lamps, etc)
- books
- blankets
- pillows
- any stray items that don’t belong

Declutter Your Home for the Kitchen/Dining Room
- spices
- silverware
- coffee cups
- travel bottles/mugs/straws
- stemware
- dishes
- pots & pans
- baking dishes & supplies
- dish towels & aprons
- pot holders & trivets
- sponges & scrub brushes
- expired/unwanted pantry food
- expired/unwanted food from the fridge
- fridge magnets
- knives
- spatulas & serving spoons
- appliances
- kitchen gadgets
- choppers & shredders
- mixing bowls
- plastic containers (tupperware)
- vitamins & medications
- paper supplies
- take out sauces
- take out menus
- cutting boards
- cookbooks
- lunch boxes
Related Reading: How to Organize Kitchen Cabinets

How to Simplify and Declutter the Bathroom
- towels
- washcloths
- feminine products
- shaving stuff
- toothbrushes/toothpaste/floss
- cotton swabs
- hair products/hair brushes
- make-up
- skin care products
- manicure/pedicure supplies
- soap & bodywash
- paper products
- perfumes/body sprays
- cleaning products
- bath toys
These bathroom organization ideas will help you get your bathroom organized after you’ve cleared the clutter.
How to Declutter Your Home in the Playroom & Kids Rooms
- clothing
- shoes
- jackets/gloves/hats
- socks/undies
- pajamas
- swimwear
- costumes
- puzzles/games
- stuffed animals
- toys
- outdoor toys
- books
- backpacks
- excess art work/paper crafts
- stickers
- art supplies
- coloring books
When you declutter and organize the playroom, your kids feel less stress.

Declutter Your Home for the Family Room/Living Area
- vases
- throw pillows
- furniture
- baskets
- DVDs/CDs
- blankets
- home decor items (candles, frames, vases etc)
- remotes/cords
- books
- magazines
- papers/notebooks/pens

Declutter the Office Clutter
- printers & other electronics
- office supplies (staples, paper clips, pens, etc)
- office paper supplies (envelopes, post-its, etc)
- junk mail/unwanted paperwork
- receipts
- cords
- taxes
- checkbooks
- instruction manuals
- stationary
- files
- coupons & receipt
Related Reading: Organize Christmas Decorations
Declutter Your Home: Storage Closets
- wrapping paper/bows
- pet supplies
- craft supplies
- hobby supplies
- home decor items
Closet Clean Out
- brooms/mops
- cleaning products
- scrubbers/brushes
- sponges/rags
- dusters
- buckets
- rubber gloves
- laundry & ironing supplies
Declutter the Garage
- Tools
- lawn care supplies
- pest control items
Declutter Other items
- storage containers
- light bulbs
- filters
- batteries
- holiday decorations
- random jars
- shopping bags
Relax in Your Clutter Free Home
Once you get all of the clutter out of your home, do some simple things to make it feel even more relaxing and beautiful!
First, I do a through cleaning. These house cleaning tips will help you get your home sparkly clean!
Then, I love to diffuse essential oils and you can try this super easy mason jar diy to have colorful fresh flowers that are sure to brighten things!
And some simple fall decor will transition your home into the autumn season.
And if you’ve decluttered and organized and your house still looks cluttered, then read, 18 Things Making Your House STILL Look Cluttered.
What are your favorite ways to cut the clutter in your home? Share in the comments below!
Happy Decluttering!
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This post is a great starting place for people downsizing to fulltime in their RV’s. I will definitely use some of your suggestions.
Thank you, Cristine! I think it would be so much fun to live in an RV!! Now if I can get my husband on board!
Thank you
This article is a big help
And many good ideas!
Very useful tips for decluttering every book n corner of the house .thank you
Excellent simple to follow advice!
I need to do this so bad! You broke this down into an easy to take in method. Does not seem like such an overwhelming task your way! Love it!
Thank you so much, Ashley! Decluttering is an ongoing project at this house….ugh….so much stuff!
Great tips to declutter. I am working on it but I am slower than I was when I was younger.
I hear ya! Slow and steady is progress and progress is good!
Thank you so much for this post. I found it while searching for home organisation ideas because this year I have to finally get on top of our house. I have osteoarthritis in my spine and I need to make our home easier to manage before the arthritis steals any more of my mobility but my wonky body aside you’re so right, clutter is so stressful. I feel as if Hubby & I have been trying to bring order to our home forever, and we have decluttered lots but still mountains (it feels like) to climb. Thank you for the inspiration and for some thoroughly good tips too. Happy new year from a cold and rainy UK x
Thank you so much for reading, Rosie! I’m so sorry you are dealing with such debilitating health issues. That’s so stressful and chronic pain can be overwhelming. You will definitely benefit from a clutter free environment. Just remember not to overdo it…take your time and ask for help. And remember the decluttering is an ongoing process and you don’t have to accomplish it all at once. Take care and happy decluttering!
Thank you!!! This has motivated to want to get started on 3 rooms that need some Decluttering. Right nkw I have the time because of the COVID-19 stay at home order. I am out of work for now and have all day to declutter, clean and organize. Bets taking a nap or playing on the phone. So starting in the morning, I will get a list going of what I am going to do for the day and which room to tackle first as the living room is good. Thanks again
Sarah, thank you so much for reading! You made my day with such sweet words! Good for you for using this stay at home time wisely! Happy decluttering!
These tips are so helpful! I especially love how you outlined what clutter robs from us!
Thank you so much for reading, Suzi! I’m a big fan of all your work and really appreciate you reading!
Your information makes decluttering not seem so overwhelming! I just need to start! Thank you for sharing. This was good information.
Thanks so much, Ann! Getting started can be the hardest part…you can do it!!!
I got a book on house cleaning and decluttering in 1973. Great advice. Then I had my first kid and had a part time job. I never actually finished doing any of the things I learned-cartons or laundry baskets for: things that go elsewhere, items to give away, items to throw away, laundry. 2 cartons, a trash can and a laundry basket. Finish loading up the cartons etc, move to the next room. Put away anything from the “elsewhere carton” that belongs there and keep going with the dryer-cluttering. When done, do the laundry, take out the trash and send the donations to Goodwill. (Then she taught you how to clean-a “Mom’s coming over in 2 hours” method to a semi-annual deep cleaning.) And she advised leaving a basket in a handy place for tossing the things that go elsewhere and carrying it around every night.
Last week I read an article that prescribed exactly the same technique. Now however
there are rolling laundry baskets and others that you can grab and carry with one hand. Anything to make it easier, right??
But I really like the new advice-start with the room you want to hang out in!!! THEN do the kitchen. I love this advice and tomorrow I start!!!
Thanks. Wish me luck. Our place looks like an episode of a hoarding reality show.